This image charts step by step the key events that led to the co-production of the organizational vision to 2023

This image charts step by step the key events that led to the co-production of the organizational vision to 2023


The following quote provides a rich summary of the space and freedom people experienced during this process.

“Trust, Honesty. Creating a safe environment where you can be yourself and speak openly-Building time in to think differently, creatively and having a space where you just focus on how you work together-

(Working out) what are the expectations, agreeing specific ways of working together, allowing everyone the opportunity to offer opinions, checking in on progress, getting rid of hierarchy and everyone working on one level”.

Related to this, people also referred to this way of working as being very “creative”, with no “ rigid direction- “ “given the freedom to go where we wanted to go-we talked to people; we interrogated data; we challenged perceptions and ideas”.